Struggling with Instagram? - Lisa Buscomb

Struggling with Instagram?

Instagram can feel like a real struggle sometimes. 

If you feel this way I want to let you know you are not alone.  Everybody struggles.  And it is okay.  Like our natural energy, we are not excited, happy and full of energy all of the time.  We have up days and down days.  Ebbs and flows.  We are cyclical beings that move with the seasons and the moon. 

When you are feeling low or flat or uninspired to show up on social media.  Take time out.  Have a break.  Rest and restore.  Refill your cup and allow the energy to flow back in when its ready.  It is okay to take time out. 

If you are going to take an extended time away from social media I encourage you to let your audience know so they don’t wander where you have gone to.  But if you’re taking 24 - 48 hours off, just take the time. I usually enjoy the weekend mostly away from social media.

Whatever feels good for you is the right thing to do and however you want to show up is okay.

But if you are growing a business on Instagram there are some important things to do but we can make these work for your unique personality and business.

If you’ve been feeling uninspired with Instagram for a while it may be because you are a little overwhelmed and a little unsure what to post.  Many of my clients stop posting just because they don’t know what to post.  Or they start to pull away from the app because they aren’t seeing the results they would love to see.

Or the comparisonitis and Imposter Syndrome drops in.

And that’s why I do what I do.  I want to inspire, support and empower you to use social media for your business in a way that works for you. 

I want to make it easy.  I want to remove the overwhelm and help you create a structure where you can share with ease and flow.

There are a number of ways you can work with me.  Each option has different benefits depending on what you need right now.  Click here to check out the sessions and packages or send me a message x

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