🖤Pump up the music in your home and dance. Do this with your kids if you have children, they will LOVE it.
🖤Have a look at your wardrobe and ask yourself “have I worn this in the past 12 months?’. If the answer is no, its time to bid farewell and re gift to your local charity shop.
🖤’Being myself involves no risks. It is my ultimate truth and I live it fearlessly’ Wayne W Dyer. Be your own best friend, write a love letter. Keep it by your beside and read it whenever you’re having a down day.
🖤Exfoliating our skin has a massive psychological effect by removing all the stress in our lives. Try a natural toxin free scrub and enjoy the quiet moment.
🖤Sit by yourself and think about your personal intentions. Where would you like to see yourself in 3, 6 and 12 months? Write down your intentions where you can see them, or why not use your creativity and create a vision board.
🖤Disconnect from technology for a day and reconnect with yourself.
🖤Show your fridge and freezer some love by clearing out and cleaning out any expired foods. Make a spray mix of 1 Tbsp bicarb soda, 1 Tbsp vinegar, and fill with water. Spray and wipe clean before filing with fresh foods.
🖤Plan time at the end of the day for a bath or foot soak. Light some candles, play some relaxation music and wash your worries away. Add natural bath oil or 1 cup of Epsom salts with a few drops of your favourite essential oil, for something extra special.
🖤Write a list of all the things that are creating stress in your life. When we pinpoint these stressors, it allows us to identify and acknowledge them. And then create an action plan of next steps to reduce and then eliminate them.
🖤Connect with a loved one via physical connection or IRL, or a phone call or handwritten note.
🖤Start cleaning out some drawers around your home. There are too many to tackle in one day so start with a bedroom and then move onto another room next time. Decluttering and clearing old 'stuff' always feels so good.
🖤Keep a pretty notebook and pen beside your bed. Start each day with a grateful heart by writing 10 things you are thankful for.
🖤We all know that drinking 2L of water a day is essential for flushing our system and hydrating our cells, but do we always achieve it? Make a conscious effort to reach your goal each day.
🖤Clear out all old magazines, books and unused toys, and donate to your local kindy. Tip: keep a basket in your house and add unwanted items through-out the month, making this a monthly ritual.
🖤Tidy the kitchen cupboards that are often overloaded. Sort, clean and tidy each shelf. Low tox tip: switch out plastics for recycled glassware or stainless steel
🖤Take 15 minutes in a quiet spot to meditate or breathe deeply. Let your thoughts run free and focus on the inward and outward breath.
🖤Find 5 minutes to dump out your wallet, purse or handbag. Bin the unnecessary things, give it a good wipe out and refill with your fave essentials.
🖤Connect your soul with nature. Sink your feet into soil, sand or grass and re-energise your body. Enjoy mother natures magic through your senses.
🖤Strip your bed and refresh your mattress. Combine 5 Tbsp of baking soda with 5 drops of lavender essential oil. Sieve and sprinkle over mattress. Leave for an hour then vacuum off. Fresh and ready for a beautiful sleep.
🖤Put your headphones in, turn the music up or choose a favourite podcast, and get outside. Enjoy a 30 minute run or walk.
🖤Select a Wilde Road print that aligns with your soul and place it by your bed or on your mirror so you can connect with the words each day.