Words from me, for you.

I hope you love these words from my books Wildly Deserving and Everyday Moments.  I have never shared these on social media before but I feel you need to read this today.  I hope you enjoy...



There is a little voice inside your head or a feeling in that space in your gut that tells you this is the right dream for you. There is a little something there, a little knowing that keeps tapping on your shoulder. But it also doesn’t make sense. Those around you tell you you’re crazy, it will never work. But what if you are right and they are wrong. But it’s not even about being right or wrong, it’s all about living life in full. It’s about following the crazy dreams, the big ideas, the excitement, the nudge, even when they are little. Life is about following what lights you up. And really, what if you are right, what if this little thought is going to bring you everything you ever dreamed of. Trust in you.



To be the best mother to your children, you need to be the best you that you can be. It’s time to make yourself a priority, take care of yourself, and create the life you dream of. Focusing on you first and filling your cup allows you to be in a space of healthy mind, healthy body & healthy soul. This will allow you to make clear decisions, stay authentically true to who you are, and love yourself. The happiness & joy that you fill yourself up with will naturally pass down to your children, and through to the relationships around you. Fill your cup first and watch the magic.



Don’t be so hard on yourself. Some days, you wake and all the things you want to do just don’t happen. You scroll social media when you really hoped to journal. You lay in bed instead of getting outside. You planned a healthy breakfast but reached for coffee first. Your sheets need a wash, and so does your hair. You remember you didn’t return your mum’s call and the library books are due back. Some days things just don’t go to plan, you feel behind and a little lost. But it’s okay. Everyone has these days. Take a breath, write yourself a love note, sit and enjoy that coffee, and the slow morning. You probably need the rest. And then remember that every moment is a new moment. And every day is a new day. And then make a change, get back on track, reset. This morning may not have been what you hoped for, but it was exactly what you needed.



Don’t wait until everything is perfect to say yes, to make that change and take the leap. Sometimes you have to move forward even when you don’t feel ready. When you’re a mix of nervousness and excitement. That’s a good time to take that step. You feel like you need to be a certain someone to say yes and follow your heart, but who you are today is exactly who you need to be.



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